AboutusGreen Organisation Morocco
The Green Organization Association in Morocco is an independent association, founded in 2022 and places the right of present and future generations to a healthy environment at the forefront of the goals of its programs and initiatives.Our association is considered a new born and an advanced and young version, emanating from the two old associations Young United Alhoceima and DYME AL Hoceima. For it and through it, it works to protect and preserve the environment, combat climate change, spread awareness, and spread the values and behaviors of sustainable development.
The organization's goals :
The organization's goals :
- Strengthening the sense of citizenship towards environment and sustainable development issues.
- Encouraging green, environmentally friendly professions.
- Encouraging ecotourism.
- Encouraging waste sorting and recycling.
- Striving towards combating the causes of global warming.
- Means and mechanisms of operation of the association:
- Organizing and sponsoring campaigns and projects under various titles and objectives related to the environment and sustainable development.
- Organizing and holding training courses, seminars, round tables, debates in various fields, the most important of which is the environment.
- Volunteering to take all possible preventive and remedial measures against environmental pollution in its various forms and degrees.
- Participation in conferences, youth exchanges, programs and exhibitions related to the environment.
- Issuing awareness paragraphs through social media.